Again, TDW achieved an important milestone. On 26th June, the team supporting project manager Herwig Feldmeier has delivered the first nine Brimstone 2 Warhead Systems to MBDA UK.
Qualification of the warhead was completed only recently with an impressive performance demonstration of the tandem shaped charge on Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) after undergoing an environmental program. In parallel, the team had already prepared series production to accelerate delivery of the first serial lot.
„Thanks to the high commitment of all involved we could make up a part of the delay on the Brimstone 2 project and provide evidence on the high performance capacity of the system“, said Ulrich Störchle. „With this we are on a good way to regain MBDA UK’s confidence in our capabilities“.
Brimstone 2 will replace the existing Dual Mode Brimstone (DMB) variant which was successfully used in Libya by the Royal Air Force. The new missile excels by its improved warhead and sustaining 250 % higher air carriage duration compared to the present system.
TDW’s new warhead features outstanding IM (Insensitive Munition) characteristics with unchanged perforation depth capacity and improved blast and fragmentation output.